Rare Superman Original 1939 Comic Magazine - Brazil

Rare Superman Original 1939 Comic Magazine - Brazil
Item# rare-superman-original-1939-comic-magazine--br1939

Product Description:

Gazata #529. 1939. This dates back around the time the first issue of 'Superman #1' came out in 1939. It is a full color comic like magazine from Brazil. It appears to be written in all Portugese. It is anouncing a new comic book with a 'Superman' character on it's cover. Inside has several pages of other early comics that were out at that time. It is framed up but could be removed for inspection. It is all complete and all the pages, etc. and still in excellent condition and complete. Dated July 6th, 1939. 100% Original. From the Archives of the 'Cleveland Collection'. It is 15 pages in both color and black & white. It is filled with other comics that you can see in the attached photos, ads, news, etc. Superman does not appear on the inside only the cover. I cannot read it, so I do not know if there is an article on him or not?

These magazines ran from 1929-1940 in Brazil. It only ran for a total of 563 editions. This is not associated with DC Comics in any way, and it was NEVER sold in the United States. Most collectors have never even seen one of these!

This rare magzine has been loaned to various Museums and Organizations for displays and exhibits such as The Ohio Wax Museum, The Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage, The Siegel and Shuster Society, The Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, The North Coast Comic Con/Superman 70th Birthday Celebration for displays due to it's rarity and early ties to Superman.

Feel free to email with serious questions.

Here is a Google page that proves it was originaly released in Brazil and the Editons, etc. Google Translated Info Page: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.guiadosquadrinhos.com%2Fedicao.aspx%3Fcod_tit%3Da%2B179100%26esp%3D%26cod_edc%3D70025